Channels 24/7 to broadcast to all your audience and get earnings.

MyChannel24 create your Channels 24/7 to broadcast your public and PRIVATE messages (text, audios, images, videos) to all your audience.

It’s a fantastic and unique opportunity to reach people directly 24/7, sending notifications to their phones at anytime.

You will have unlimited amount of followers, and you could manage alone all your contents from your phone.

Media organizations and public figures use channels to stay in touch with their readers, voters and fans. Some examples :

Create your own public and private channels 24/7.

To create your own channel, both public and private, just send us email and you can start soon with your own channels.

We manage all your subscriptions and payments for private channels and we manage all your links to get orders for any sales.

The content of public channels can be seen without subscription and attract more followers every day.

Post : free or paid content

MyChannel24 supports a wide range of content types, from Texts, links, audios, autoplaying videos to animated stickers, polls and beyond

Contents can be free or paid, you will decide and we invoice your contents (subcriptions or one shot payment).

Live Streams

Any channel can be turned into a professional TV station, hosting live broadcasts for an unlimited number of viewers.

Subscribers will be notified when you go live and can join.

Protect your identity

Hide your identity to keep you safe. Our AI engine can help you.

Chat 1 to 1 anonymously with your followers.

Comments and Reactions

You can add comments to posts in your channel. Get instant feedback from subscribers by enabling reactions in your channel settings. Users can voice their praise and opinions right on the post with over a dozen themed emoji.

You can choose which reaction emoji are available in your channel – allowing for an entire spectrum of responses or something simple like 👌😘💋🌹❤️👍👎🤪🍾

View and subcribers Statistics

Each post in a channel has a view counter. Views from forwarded copies of the messages are included in the total count.

Your Salesportal keeps you updated on the statistics daily, weekly and monthly.

Scheduled Posts

You can plan your posts ahead and let them go live automatically at a specified time.

The unique channel 24/7 to manage your content easily and generate revenues.

Just contact us to create your channel and start with 24H.

All kind of content

  • Texts, audios, images, videos.
  • Live streaming.
  • Sales of goods.

« Creating your 24/7 channel is the best way to quickly develop your audience and generate great business »

Claudia Steiner

CEO, BTS Influencers

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